Life Membership Application Form

The £9.99 fee can be paid by either:

  •  Bank transfer to Account No: 23689379, Sort code: 20-97-48  Reference: 20-30-15 (your surname), or by

  • Cheque made payable to ‘Service Funds RAF Brize Norton’. Please put the reference 20-30-15 on the reverse of the cheque and post to The Membership Secretary, 99 Squadron Association, 99 Squadron, RAF Brize Norton, Carterton, OX18 3LX.

Email is the method of communication to Association members. If you do not have an email address, please confirm the postal address communications are to be sent to in the comments section at the end of the form:
Please also include your facebook email address if this is different to the email address given above.
Bank transfers are to be made to: Account number: 23689379 Sort code: 20-97-48 Reference: 20-30-15 (your surname). Cheques are to be sent to: The Membership Secretary, 99 Squadron Association, 99 Squadron, RAF Brize Norton, Carterton, OX18 3LX
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